Sunday 16 October 2011

Adding Meta Tags to websites or blogsite

Meta Tags

What are meta tags ? Meta tags describes your site and explains search engines about your site. Meta tags should be added for SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) Through Meta tags search engines finds your web pages more accurately. Search Engines finds your website through the meta tags accurately and correctly. This is the reason why meta tags are so important in your blogsite or website.

Importance of Meta Tags
Meta tags are important because it brings in more traffic to your website. When visitors search from search engines they write a few words in the search box. The search engines searches for those words and if it finds it in your mata tag, it shows your website on the result page. The more accurate you are with your meta tags, the more the chances of your website being shown in the result pages of the search engine.

How to add meta tags to your blogsite (blogspot) ?
Step 1.
Go to your blogger dashboard and then click the 'layout' button.
Step 2. Click on the 'Edit html' tab
Step 3. In the HTML code you will have to insert the meta tags. You will have to add two meta tags to the head section of the template. The first is meta description which describes your site / blog. DESCRIBE IT.
The second is meta keywords where you put in the keywords of your blog / site.
WRITE YOUR KEYWORDS. (Don't put keywords in your meta description area. Don't repeat keywords and words. You better prepare the meta description and meta keywords separately, beforehand.)

Now, write the HTML code as written below:-
<meta content=’DESCRIPTION’ name=’description’/>
<meta content=’KEYWORDS’ name=’keywords’/>

Step 4. Now, insert your meta tag between the following lines
<b:include data=’blog name=’all-head content’/>
So, it will look like this :-
<b:include data=’blog name=’all-head content’/>
<meta content=’DESCRIPTION’ name=’description’/>
<meta content=’KEYWORDS’ name=’keywords’/>

Step 5.
Save the changes.

Now you have successfully added meta tags to your Blogspot site.

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