Thursday 20 October 2011

Content Writing – 10 Tips for Bloggers

Content writing is the most important  aspect in order to make a successful blog site or website.

The content of your article becomes most important in getting traffic to your website, in getting ad revenues. The better the content, the better will be your traffic.

It will really take some time to get reasonable traffic to your new blog site with good content, and until and unless you get traffic you won’t make money from internet business, if that’s what you created the site for.
To draw traffic you will have to do certain things in your content. Its better to know what they are, and how those can be performed. However, there is no standard rules or guides that you can follow.
In this context let me tell you the difference between “traffic” and contextual relevant traffic”. Strive to get “contextual relevant traffic”, meaning the visitors who visits your blog site is actually looking for information on a particular subject, and try to give them the relevant information they are searching for. If you can achieve this you will ensure repeat visits from the said visitors.
I will give you some guidelines which is in practice throughout the world, in order to generate good content to the blog sites and websites. The guidelines are as follows :
1.The Content in your blog posts : The contents of your blog posts must be informative, compact and without grammatical errors. Do not try to create a blog post keeping the search engine in mind. In order to do so, you will try to put in more and more keywords in your article which can sound awkward to a visitor. Make your content unique and with a flowing language – as if you are talking to your visitors personally. Don’t try to use bombastic words, instead use simple English which every body in the world will understand.
2. New Blog Topics : Try to write on new topics with good content in it. Instead of writing on old common topics, try some new topic. Let me give you an example. There are hundreds and thousands of articles in the web on “Easy online money”. If you choose this topic, you will have to compete with millions of websites and blogsites to draw your traffic. Whereas new topics will get you better results as far as traffic is concerned. If at all you will have to write on an old common topic try something different. If you include some videos in them with good text around it, you can make it different and stand apart from the others and will also find the favors from the search engines.
3. Updated Blog software: Keeping your Blog software updated will go a long way in getting more visitors, since older versions do not have all the facilities to make your blog posts attractive. Google uses most updated versions for bringing up the search results.
 4. Regular Posting of your articles: Post your articles regularly. Search engines always looks for newer and updated contents to index and deliver in search results. If you write fresh contents regularly, your traffic will increase.
5. Write on recent popular happenings in the world: Popular topics on recent happenings around the world will find more visitors. If you write content on the most recent popular subjects you will get more traffic.
6. Advertisements with your blog content : If you want to show ads in your blogpost, show them but make sure that they are placed in the right position, so as not to distract the visitors. Flashing ads, pop up ads, pop unders and exit ads irritate the visitors very much. Go for Google Text and Image ads in the appropriate positions of your blog page.
7. Facts in your blog content : The content in your blog must be full of facts and figures. Do not post an article with wrong facts and figures. This may result in controversy. The content of your article should not have false information.
8. Comments on your articles : Ask for comments on your articles. Very few visitors bother to comment on the blog posts, but a few will. Moderate the comments and allow good discussions. Communicate with the commentators on the subject and it may build a forum on the matter.
9. Consistency in your content : Be consistent in your subject matter. If you are writing on a subject matter, try to refine and write on that particular subject matter only. That will tell that visitors that you are an expert on the subject. Visitors will come back to your blog site again to find newer facts on the subject.
On the other hand, if you write on politics and movies at the same time it will make you “jack of all trades, master of none”.
10. Submit to search engines regularly: Submit your articles and contents to search engines at regular intervals. This is important for your traffic.

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