Sunday 16 October 2011

Blog Topics

A new blogger always searches for topics to blog on. The questions which goes through their mind are : 1. What will be THE TOPIC OF THE BLOG?
2. Will his/her blog topic interest others?
3. Will visitors vist the blog site? Will they read and participate in them?
4. Will the Blogsite attract advertisers?
5. Will the Blogsite be able to make money?

My answer to all these question is :-
There are innumerous topics/subjects that people throughout the world are interested in. Before making a blogsite, always sit down with a pencil & paper and try to jot down the topics which you are interested in and also in which others are interested in. An universal subject. Remember, the more visitor, the more advertisement, the more money from your blog site. I will help you a little further.


Recent Happenings around the world: Be in touch with the world news. Search for shocking & catastrophic events; the events that are attracting viewers and readers of the world. Try to write your views on those. You will have visitors.

Blog on Celebrities: Celebrities are always followed and watched. They are subjects of interest. You can blog on it.

Blog on Books: You can write news on new books that are arriving in the market. You can also try to write reviews on them.

Blog on movies & music: Blogs on new movies and music are also popular in the blog world. This kind of blog brings in heavy advertisement.

Blog on job oppurtunities: Always finds readers. Popular among students searching for new job and also for people searching for a change.

Blog on Business from home: This type of blog always attracts readers who are unemployed, students, retired people and housewives. Attracts ads too.

Blog on new products : Write on the new products in the market - be it a mobile, a camera, a book, a car - you will always get visitors and lots of advertising.

Blog on Places of Interest: This topic attracts tourists and researchers. Also attracts advertisers like Hotels, Motels, Airlines, Ticketing agencies, Tour guides etc.
Finally, I would say that there are innumerous subjects on which you can blog. Channelise your thoughts -

1. The subject on which everybody will be interested.
2. Your knowledge on that subject.
3. The subject on which you will be comfotable with.
4. If research on the subject is needed - how to to it.
Last but not the least,

1.The contents of your postings should be informative and crisp.
2. Make your postings interesting.
3. Don't make your postings too large. Remember, netizens are impatient.
That is all in this posting.

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