Sunday 25 November 2012

Group Blogging

Group Blogging or collaborative blogging can be defined as blogs written by a group of people.
In group blogging members can write on different blog topics and can share the revenue earnings.
"United we stand and divided we fall " goes the saying. This is very true for blogging.
Many have tried to become a successful blogger by writing blogs individually. But most failed to achieve the goals - readership-wise and monetary-wise. There are different reasons for the failure.

The most important reasons are :-

Time consumption, irregular postings, lack of rich organic content, lack of regular research, improper application of SEO methods, improper application of monetizing methods etc.

According to wikipedia :

"A collaborative blog or a group blogging is a type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high profile collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology.

In recent years, the blogosphere has seen the emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up by already established bloggers wishing to pool time and resources to both reduce the pressure of maintaining a popular website and to attract a larger readership.

However, collaborative blogs are similar to, but not the same as, web-based blog aggregators such as Planet, as the latter usually pull data from other single-user blogs to present a more constantly-updated, semi-collaborative stream of information; Planet-based aggregator sites, however, are mostly used to aggregate the blogs of individuals who happen to participate in a common project, often various free software projects. Collaborative blogs, on the other hand, tend to be a single site of post publication for members, replete with a common login system, user interface for the publication and editing of posts, and single-post comments system for other users of the blog."

Group blogging has its huge advantage over individual blogging.

In group blogging, members get all the support for achieving success from the site administrator. The more blog members, the more richer content, the more traffic and hits - and all members will share the revenues.

Here are the
Advantages of Group blogging 
and the
Disadvantages of individual blogging. 

1. Website Hosting / Domain Registration -
In group blogging posts, domain registration and website hosting is taken care of by the owner of the site. 
If you blog individually, the said will have to be borne by you.

2. Website maintenance - In group blogging, the blog site is maintained by the owner.
If you blog individually, the site has to be maintained by you.

3. Research on blog topics -
In group blogging, research on blog topics is done by the blog site owners research team and also the blog writer.
If you blog individually, you will have to do the research on the blog topics all by yourself.

4. Time and Money consumption -A lot of time and money should be spent and many things has to be taken care of to make it successful.AND WE DON'T HAVE TIME.
In group blogging, the time is shared among all members to make the blog site successful.
If you blog individually, you, yourself will have to spend a lot of time and money to make the blog site successful.

5. Topics for blog -
In group blogging, research is done on blog topics in demand and then notified to the members. Many members write on the same blog topic, which makes it rich in content. Hence, those topics gets the most number of hits. Hence, more traffic and more revenue earned which is shared by the members.
However, members may write on any blog topic they feel like.

In individual blog, you will have to choose your own blog topic and work towards its success.

6. Content of topic -
In group blogging, many members write on a blog topic. Thus, the content of the blog topic becomes rich with many views and experience of different members. The blog readers gets all the information, not only from a single person, but many people who are members of this blog site.
In individual blog, content is limited to the knowledge and understanding of the single blog writer.

7. Keyword / Meta-tags research - In group blogging, the site administrator does the research work on keywords and meta-tags for you, which ultimately brings you more web traffic and more revenues.
In individual blog you have got to do it all by yourself.

8. Search Engine Optimization -In group blogging, S.E.O. becomes the job of the site administrator.
In individual blog, this tedious job has to be done by the individual blog writer.

9. Links to posts -
In group blogging, the administrator links your posts to innumerable places in the web to bring in more web traffic.
In individual blog, you will have to do this job individually. 

10. Illustration, photos, images, graphs, dressing up -
In group blog, the administrator helps you in these areas to achieve success.
In individual blog, you will have to do these essential things yourself. 

11. Adding videos / you-tubes- 
In group blogging, the administrator helps you in these areas to achieve success.
In individual blog, you will have to do these essential things yourself.

12. Archiving -
In group blogging, the administrator makes sure that your blog is archived at the right places.
In individual blog you will have to do this essential thing yourself.

13. Monetizing - Adsense Ads, other ads, Affiliate ads -In group blog, monetizing and all its aspects are being looked after by the administrator.
In individual blogging you will have to do this essential thing yourself.

14. Post publishing activities - Submitting to directories, Ads in classified ads, Pings, Facebook, Twitter, Banner exchange, Link exchange
In group blogging, all these aspects are being looked after by the administrator.
In individual blog you will have to do these essential work all by yourself.

"Types - 
While every collaborative blog is unique they can usually be placed in one of two broad categories:

Invite only
An Invite Only collaborative blog is one in which a founder blogger personally selects a small group of co-bloggers, inviting them to contribute to his or her blog. The Invite Only blog typically focuses on a single common interest subject - e.g. politics, legal issues or, occasionally, comedy.

For instance, in July 2003 Chris Bertram established Crooked Timber,[1] a collaborative Invite Only blog frequented by such established bloggers and academics as Kieran Healy and Henry Farrell, beginning with the introductory post:

Crooked Timber is a cabal of philosophers, politicians manque, would-be journalists, sociologues, financial gurus, dilletantes [sic] and flaneurs who have assembled to bring you the benefit of their practical and theoretical wisdom on matters historical, literary, political, philosophical, economic, sociological, cultural, sporting, artistic, cinematic, musical, operatic, comedic, tragic, poetic, televisual etc. etc., all from perspectives somewhere between Guy Debord, Henry George and Dr Stephen Maturin. We hope you’ll enjoy the show.

A variation of invite only blog is one in which all bloggers on a particular topic are invited to contribute and the resultant posts are edited or curated prior to being published. Such blogs have been created by Online Media, as well as Domain Experts in entrepreneurship, data mining , and environment.

Open invite

Conversely, Open Invite collaborative blogs allow any user to register for a blogging account, providing instant access. Perhaps the most famous of these blogs is DailyKos, a left-wing collaborative blog founded in 2002 by Markos Moulitsas.[3] DailyKos allows bloggers the opportunity to post their opinions on the site without pre-approval of the content. Another example is LiveJournal's "communities" system, in which users join communities to read, post and comment on posts to a community; in this way, communities serve the twin purposes of collaborative blogs and Internet forums.

Open Invite collaborative blogs succeed on the basis that the community acts to weed out trolls, spammers and other troublemakers. Much like online forums, the accessible nature of the Open Invite collaborative site is protected by dedicated moderators and fellow bloggers who will act quickly to quell any signs of spamming."
- wikipedia

You may also join a group to write your blog articles.

Please make a comment on the above post.

Helpful reading articles on blogging

What is a Blog
Blogger vs. Wordpress
Blog Topics
Content Writing - 10 tips for Bloggers
Blog Post - What should be the length
Inserting Photos in Blog post legally
Reviewing your Blog post for SEO
What you need for Blogging
Promoting Blog sites
Ways to generate traffic to a Blog site
Group Blogging
11 sites that pays you for blogging

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