Saturday 1 December 2012

Reviewing your blog post for SEO

Reviewing your Blog Post for SEO
Your blog post once written and published should be reviewed again and again for site engine optimization. It is not always possible to write a blog article and to see all the aspects of SEO at the same time. So, most of the time, just after writing the blog article, we publish it.

You may have written a blog article earnestly and passionately. But if it does not receive the traffic, and if your blog article is not read by visitors, the whole purpose of blogging will not be served and you will feel despondent. You will lose all the enthusiasm, which ultimately may result in your giving up blogging altogether.

Only good writing and knowledge of a subject matter would not suffice while writing blog article. Blogging is an art in itself and you will have to hone it. There are many technical points and rules to be followed. There are many tricks of the trade to drive the readers to your blog post, which you should adopt.

SEO, or site engine optimization procedures should be studied and applied. These things take time to absorb and you will have to experiment on all the elements of seo. I had tried to explain many of them under my "seo training" category of blog posts.

Therefore, reviewing your old blog posts is a must. Each time you review them, you will be able to make it better.

There are many things which needs to be done during the review process. Before the review, make a note of the number of hits your blog post was  getting. After reviews and republishing a blog post, you will have to notice whether the blog post is doing better than before, as far as the number of visitors are concerned.

Things to check during the review process.

Review Process - Check List
  1. The title should contain the keywords. It should be to the point, and readers should understand what they are looking for. It should not be too big.
  2. Density of keywords in your blog article. Number of times keywords has been used during blogging.
  3. The blog content should be rich and unique.
  4. Whether you have missed out on certain important points.
  5. Whether there are any typing or grammatical mistakes.
  6. Whether the length of the blog post is right.
  7. Compare the number of visitors to this blog post with your other blog posts. Try to analyze the result of each blog post.
  8. Whether your blog post is placed under right category / label.
  9. Whether the structure of the article - heading, paragraph, content should be edited.
  10. Whether you have inserted the proper photos, images, video's as illustration
  11. Whether the illustrations are in the right places of the article.
  12. Whether links and back links are there for seo purpose.
  13. How many ads (Google adsense, affiliate ads, others) are there in the blog post. Are they placed in the right places? Are the ads disturbing the readers ?
  14. Whether the right search terms are applied.
  15. Whether all the links and backlinks are working properly.
  16. Whether you have incited the readers for making comments on your post?
Checking all the above points systematically during review process will make your post better and your visitors will grow.

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